Company News | Huthwaite International

Huthwaite joins APS Insightful Sales Seminar

Written by Rachel Massey | Jul 18, 2019 3:55:59 PM

11 September 2019: 9.00 am – 12.30 pm (Toshiba Tec UK, The Monument Building,11 Monument Street, London, EC3R 8AF). 

Huthwaite's Sales Director, David Freedman joins other expert speakers at the APS Insightful Sales Seminar to talk about 'The essential ingredients for successful negotiations'.

Topics covered include:

  • Business Planning & Revenue Growth
  • The essential ingredients for successful negotiations - David Freedman
  • How to build and develop a learning culture to create a progressive sales organisation
  • Is money the best motivator

Session overview - Negotiations have been at the top of the public agenda more than ever in the past three years because of Brexit, and this has only highlighted how inadequate most people’s understanding is of what good negotiations look like. There’s a right way and a wrong way to plan strategy, prepare tactics and execute the face-to-face behaviours, based on years of close observational research applied by thousands of trained sales professionals. The lessons that those sales professionals use in successful negotiations throw into sharp relief some of the errors that our more public negotiators have fallen into in recent times.