Learn the tactics to convert prospects who want to buy but won't commit

In this whitepaper, learn the strategies you can use in common scenarios and discover the tactics you can adopt when a prospect isn't ready to buy.

Download the whitepaper 'Developing sales opportunities' to learn:

  • How to evaluate customer needs as they evolve

  • how to quickly identify unresolved customer concerns

  • how to avoid sales concessions.

Essential reading for sales leaders.


Key insights from Developing sales opportunities;


Successful sellers can identify where their customer is in their buying process.


Successful sellers respond differently depending on where their customer is in their buying process.


Successful sellers avoid making concessions to progress their sales opportunities.


What makes the skills described in this whitepaper effective?

We have spent four decades studying and identifying the behaviours needed for successful business. This whitepaper was written on this foundation of vast research and analysis. We know definitively which behaviours are required to improve performance.

My team operate globally, are the skills described here still relevant?

The skills described in this whitepaper will help you achieve consistency throughout your business, regardless of location. We deliver the same proven methodologies using a deployment strategy designed to meet the needs of each of your teams and territories.

How do Huthwaite teach new skills and improve performance?

Huthwaite takes the people in your business on a journey; from their understanding and skills at the start through to enabling them to do or think differently by the end. Each behaviour change journey we undertake is appropriate to your unique business environment. We work consultatively with you to agree the best learning approach and then on into skills reinforcement.