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Transform your team with Huthwaite Sales Academy

Managing a sales team isn’t easy. Sales leaders are facing a variety of issues and opportunities, as well as industry changes and the emergence of new technologies.

Our academy pathways build behavioural skills that drive sales transformation throughout your organisation.

Discover how a Sales Academy can elevate the performance of your sales team and contribute to the goals of your wider organisation.

Propel Your Sales

What is the Huthwaite Sales Academy?

Setting up your Sales Academy



We work with you to understand the working environment and behavioural skills that will impact your people the most. We’ll assess gaps in your organisation's sales, negotiation and communication capabilities.



We then work together to build capabilities via skills pathways, integrating them into people’s daily lives using a broad range of training and coaching interventions. Our collaborative approach to building effective experiences for your teams helps your people acquire, practise and apply new behaviours to sustain behavioural change.



Our learning journeys are driven by expert facilitators, via a collaborative learning platform and guided workplace transfer activities. These allow participants to build knowledge progressively and achieve goals specific to their job function, their departmental requirements and the organisation's broader transformation projects.

Huthwaite Sales Academy pathways

We don’t rely on a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, we offer various training options to align with your objectives.

Our pathways consist of numerous programmes, which together form a behavioural skills framework for driving the performance of a sales team, sales support or sales leader's performance throughout their career.

Sales Leader Pathway

This is a example of one kind of behaviour change pathway for sales leaders.  Your academy pathways may look different but we'll work with you to understand your particular working environment and the behavioural skills that will provide the biggest impact for your people.

  • SPIN Selling

    Familiarise yourself with the verbal behaviours and conversational toolkit that will ensure your sales team can create value, generate more sales and reach higher levels of customer satisfaction.

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  • SPIN Coaching

    Coaching can be crucial in helping newly acquired SPIN behaviours, tools and techniques become process habits, allowing your organisation to realise the business benefits of sales training long into the future.

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  • SPIN Opportunity Management

    Understand how decision making units operate and how you and your team can navigate them more effectively and ensure you can gain access to the real decision makers.

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  • Complex Negotiations

    This programme will equip you with the skills to avoid simple concessions, conclude sustainable deals, surrender less margin in a sale, save money in a strategic purchase and have a framework for future negotiations.

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  • SPIN Proposals and Presentations

    An extension of the SPIN Selling programme, designed to help salespeople achieve maximum impact and persuasiveness with both proposals and presentations for customers at any stage of the buying cycle.

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Sales Team Pathway

This is a example of one kind of behaviour change pathway for your sales team.  Your academy pathways may look different but we'll work with you to understand your particular working environment and the behavioural skills that will provide the biggest impact for your people.


  • SPIN Selling

    The SPIN sales methodology gives sellers a set of core verbal skills that will allow them to identify and develop needs effectively while demonstrating value to the customer right away.

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  • SPIN Opportunity Management

    Gives salespeople the correct mix of skills, processes and tools to build better customer relationships and win more business opportunities when the complex sale cycle is longer.

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  • Complex Negotiations

    Essential for salespeople who work are looking to elevate their existing negotiation skills, avoid concessions, surrender less margin and improve terms of business consistently and sustainably.

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    Essential Negotiations

    Essential for salespeople where negotiations are often similar from one to the next, negotiable issues are minimal and you have the mandate to agree key terms.

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  • SPIN Proposals and Presentations

    Designed to help people consistently apply the key messages uncovered through SPIN Selling within proposals and presentations to improve their probability of winning business

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  • SPIN Refresher

    Some SPIN habits will have become routine and beneficial to the sales process, but keeping up momentum can be challenging - this is when a SPIN refresher might be in order.

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Sales Enablement Pathway

This is a example of one kind of behaviour change pathway for your sales enablement and support teams.  Your academy pathways may look different but we'll work with you to understand your particular working environment and the behavioural skills that will provide the biggest impact for your people.


  • SPIN Awareness

    Ensures individuals and teams who contribute to a SPIN sales implementation but do not directly sell understand the SPIN approach and can positively align their actions and activities to the methodology
  • SPIN Proposals and Presentations

    Designed to help people consistently apply the key messages uncovered through SPIN Selling within proposals and presentations to improve their probability of winning business

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  • Essential Negotiations

    Essential for people who are sometimes involved in customer or supplier negotiations which are often similar from one to the next, and where negotiable issues are minimal.

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Sales Academy

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"The existence of a sales academy demonstrates the commitment to professional selling from the top of the organisation. This commitment builds trust and engagement from the whole sales function..."

SPIN Selling Huthwaite International authenticity icon-01-01
Robin Hoyle | Head of Learning Innovation
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Explore how the Sales Academy can enhance your sales team's performance and align with your organisation's broader goals.

Gain Key Insights


What is a sales academy?

A sales academy is a structured approach to the training and development of a sales and sales support team.

It offers several programmes, tailored to your organisation, which fit together and complement each other, each specifically designed to develop and empower your salespeople with improved knowledge and skills and accelerate your business growth.

As the business landscape changes, the skills you focus on within your sales academy can be adjusted to reflect the more diverse range of skills that your sales and sales support teams need, to thrive and remain successful.

A sales academy structure is critical for meeting these changes, where new skills can be built on existing knowledge.

How do you build a sales academy?

Set about designing and building an academy that will not only deliver the sales results that enable your organisation to meet the needs of the future but also create the right environment for your salespeople to gain the knowledge and skills to perform at their best. 

To do this, consider the following areas:

Vision – what will your organisation achieve by building an academy? What will it look like in 2-5 years and how will it impact the salespeople, their managers and the wider business?

Measurement – how will you measure academy success? How will you link the training outcomes to your initial skills needs analysis?

Accountability – how will new sales behaviours be measured and how do you hold salespeople responsible for using new skills and methodologies?

Support - The most successful academy-style projects we have worked on have all had buy-in from senior teams who see the academy as part of their wider sales and business strategy. Are their needs and expectations of the academy clear?

What are the benefits of a sales academy?

Ultimately, a sales academy can help boost your team’s overall sales performance. It will also provide career progression, reduce staff turnover and support succession planning.

It will help to develop the skills of new starters and also ensure more experienced team members continue to learn and enhance their knowledge and skills

Importantly, it will also create a common language and build a common foundation for more effective working between and across functions and departments.

For more information on the key benefits a sales academy can bring, read our blog article.

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SPIN and the Buying Cycle are proprietary trade marks of Huthwaite International

Each SPIN trainer must be officially licensed and regularly monitored in order to ensure they can combine our unique methodology with a high quality, consistent learning experience.