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Ethical Purchasing & Trading Policy

Huthwaite International Limited and Subsidiary Companies

The Company seeks to operate in an ethical way at all times. Our employees enjoy good working conditions and rates of pay; always exceeding the stipulated national minimum wage. The Company complies with all relevant UK and European Law with regard to Health and Safety, Employment and Anti-Discrimination. Our employees are treated with dignity and respect and we do not ever use child labour or undertake any conduct which would involve the exploitation of children.

In conducting business, the Company operates in an open and transparent way seeking to agree contracts and ways of working that are in the best mutual interest of clients, the Company and its employees and suppliers. The Huthwaite group of companies does not offer or accept bribes in any form and is committed to trading honestly, fairly, with integrity and in compliance with the Bribery Act 2010.

Our employees must never use or attempt to use their position at the Company to obtain any improper personal benefit for themselves, their families or for any other person. Any employee who is aware of a conflict of interest or is concerned that a conflict may develop must discuss the matter with their Manager as soon as reasonably practicable.


Our business consumes normal office services including equipment and stationery supplies, utility services and transportation. We use well-established national and international suppliers for our major services such as post, telecoms, IT and transportation and local suppliers for our routine office needs. All contracts are regularly reviewed and all works are carried out in a legal and proper fashion.

Our impact on the environment is light. The Company recognises the importance of maintaining environmentally responsible practices and communicating these to its employees effectively. The Company does not create pollution other than through typical office processes such as heating, waste paper and car travel. The Company recycles wherever possible. Our redundant IT equipment is handled by an ethical recycling company that ensure proper capture of toxic materials and reuse of hardware whenever possible.

Community Action

As a tangible demonstration of our attitude to business we support a number of local and national charities with money, professional input and time. We enable our staff to take advantage of such initiatives as the Childcare Voucher scheme.