Environmental Statement

Huthwaite International is a global training and consultancy company headquartered in the UK. We work with a wide range of international clients to help them to achieve behavioural change.

We recognise our obligations, both legal and moral, in achieving environmental best practice and continuous improvement in our business activities by managing energy efficiently, minimising waste production and ensuring that waste generated is disposed of using environmentally sympathetic methods.

Key environmental risks

In our interactive half-day virtual communication skills training course you’ll learn the insights and skills needed to engage in virtual communication successfully for just £300 per participant. By the end of the workshop you will:

International air travel

International air travel

Employee/trainer car and train travel

Employee/trainer car and train travel

Production of training materials

Production of training materials

Generation of waste materials

Generation of waste materials

Current Environmental Management/ Prevention of Pollution Initiatives


  • We have a waste management process which ensures legal compliance and is consistent with the waste hierarchy

  • We avoid using plastics wherever possible

  • We have moved to modern, energy efficient office spaces, programmable air-conditioning and programmable lighting

  • We offer hybrid working to reduce commuter mileage

  • We provide virtual options for all of our training programmes for those clients wishing to reduce the amount of travel

  • Cycle to Work scheme

  • We use recycled paper (FSC approved)**

  • We encourage car sharing and rail travel by our employees and trainers wherever possible

  • We actively review sustainability of supply chain and green credentials of suppliers.


Commitment to Continual Improvement

We set internal environmental objectives in order to ensure continual improvement.  Our initiatives and targets for 2023-2025 are:


  • Begin to quantify and work to minimize our carbon footprint

  • Consider environmental best practice in new projects

  • Take positive steps to maximise energy efficiency including introducing staff training

  • Continued efforts to minimise waste and promote recycling

  • Introduce a Code of Conduct that we ask our Suppliers to sign up to that covers the areas under this policy

  • Continue to work with our suppliers to ensure their environmental credentials meet our standards.