Sales training designed for you

Designed for sales teams who need to make an immediate impact, Quick Value Selling™ gives your team the skills to have persuasive sales conversations, handle customer objections and win more business.

Develop the team skills that will help you meet your real-world sales challenges with a Quick Value Selling™ training plan and enable your sellers to use a consultative, customer-based
approach, even when their interaction time is limited.

Fill in the form to start developing your plan today.

Why Quick Value Selling?


Skills that increase conversions

Learn effective opening statements, reduce and handle objections and manage positive call conclusions and next steps.


Confidence to sell well

Practice opening, engaging in, and successfully concluding a quicker, shorter sale and identify what a great sales outcome looks like.


Develop customer centric messaging

Identify the key differentiators for products and solutions and describe them persuasively.


Understand the buying cycle

Identify where customers are in their decision process and adapt your approach accordingly.


Consistent sales approach

Deploy a common sales approach which unifies the face of sales throughout the organisation.

Enhance your company’s selling power with a Quick Value Selling training plan Get started

Short cycle sales training designed for businesses of all sizes


Create consistency across your entire inside sales team, integrate training seamlessly into the workplace and give your team the tools to plan successful sales calls.

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Small businesses

Maximise sales opportunities with fewer resources, build customer relationships and stand out from the competition with a consultative sales approach.

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If we want to justify a price premium, we really need to understand our customers’ needs, to show that we can meet their requirements. Building relationships has been the basis of our success, our new questioning techniques are putting our customers and their requirements at the heart of the relationship from the very first meeting.

Oxford Innovation

Quick Value Selling helps salespeople to solve these common challenges;


“To continue to grow as a business, we need ourinternal sales teams to become order makers – not just order takers.”

Participants will understand what motivates – and prevents – customers from making buying decisions.


“The proactive sales teams need to improve their skills at keeping prospects on the telephone – some are too pushy, and some are not pushy enough!”

Carry out effective opening statements, reduce and handle objections and manage positive call conclusions and next steps, where appropriate.


“Our sellers have become incredibly reactive – they wait for the customer to tell them what they want –there is no exploration of additional needs or the reasons behind the request.”

Identify where customers are in their decision process and adapt their approach accordingly.


“Previous training programmes focusing on asking more questions just haven’t been effective. Our people need more than basic ‘ask open questions’ training, even on the shortest calls.”

Create effective call plans, persuasive outbound opening statements and clever questioning to uncover needs and buying criteria that align with your differentiators.


“Our sellers just push the technical specifications of our products, without explaining how they differ from our competitor’s products.”

Identify the key differentiators for products and solutions and describe them persuasively.

Enhance your company’s selling power with a Quick Value Selling training plan Get started